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How to recover money lost in Trading

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30 Mar 2021 - Forex Litigation - Min Read 6 min
How to recover money lost in Trading

How to recover money lost in trading? The first and most important step is to report any suspicious activities that have occurred.

For those who invest in online trading, it can be difficult to interpret where money lost was due to natural risks that occur in trading, or if the loss was orchestrated unlawfully; and at times, it is nearly impossible to say with confidence if you have been the victim of a forex broker scam without expert advice.

Forex trading is always a gamble and as such losing capital invested is possible, but this does not mean that losing money to mishandled funds is acceptable.

It is true that no one can guarantee to get back what is lost, but in most cases at least part of the investment can be recovered. The first step in doing this is to report the scammers, for this gives judicial authorities the ability to intervene and freeze funds where possible.

What steps to take to recover money lost in trading

  1. Report the broker to the authorities;
  2. If you have used a credit card, contact your bank to request the transactions to be blocked;
  3. Check that the Forex broker is regulated so that you can rely, if possible, on the country’s supervisory body;
  4. Contact a lawyer experienced in Forex,because a professional will know how to

What are the chances of recovering money lost in online trading?

Investors who report a scammer may be eligible become beneficiaries of an Investor Compensation Fund, as has happened in the cases of AFX Capital Markets Ltd and PlexCorps.

This is why it is important to always report promptly. Remaining silent does nothing to help yourself nor others who have been victims of these scams.

How to recognize a Forex trading scam

It is important to know how to recognize a Forex scam and understand when you have been a victim of one.

How did you lose money in Forex trading?

  • You have been made promises but at the end of the day the broker has been careful not to keep them?
  • Have you been guaranteed a bonus but have been told that the capital invested will need to be surrendered in order to receive it?
  • Did you believe that your account was continuing to earn but your funds have been drained?
  • Have you had any unexplained losses and no justification for why they would have occurred?

 Who stole your money in Forex trading? 

  • Was your Forex broker unauthorized and were you aware of it?
  • Did you believe that the online Forex broker was regulated and have since discovered it is not?
  • Have you been made to understand that the Forex broker’s registered office was in Europe only to discover that it was instead of a tax haven?

How did you realize that you have been scammed?

  • Have you been unable to withdraw funds from your account?
  • Have you been unable access your account information?
  • Have you been unable to contact your broker or have been bounced from one person to another by the call center without receiving any satisfactory answers to your questions?
  • Have you noticed that your Forex broker has a questionable reputation based on the opinions of other investors or on specialist sites?

Usually, the revelation of a scam having occurred comes when you want to withdraw and enjoy the fruit of your investments and are unable to withdraw.

Who to report a possible online scam to

If yours is one of these cases, it is of the utmost importance to collect any and all documentation that can be used as proof, and to report the broker to the local authorities.

In Italy, the activities of brokers are monitored by CONSOB (exposed module), which has the power to shut down illegally-run sites. You can prepare the report yourself or have assistance in reporting with the help of a Forex trading lawyer.

If you believe that the situation deserves a thorough investigation by the competent authorities, you can contact the Fraud department of the local police online reports ), which deals with online crimes. Keep in mind that the online report alone is not enough, you must go with a copy of the report to a police officer.

Beware of those who contact you unsolicited to recover your money

Sometimes scammers target the victims of other scammers, and even in the cases of their own victims, to offer their assistance to recover lost money.

Reports of bogus law firms, or non-existent investor compensation funds, are on the rise, claiming to help people scammed get their money back.

The emails of the scammers (as well as phone calls) are usually recognized by the inaccuracies in the information provided, by the fact that they arrive with an offer for you from nowhere (without you having priorly contacted them) and by the promises to recover all of the lost funds which, this type of guarantee, is impossible to give and will not be done by true professionals. They may also work to discredit those who work honestly to help their clients, who have been victims of Forex scams.

It is good to keep in mind that …

A reliable trading broker should be registered the official regulatory bodies (Consob for Italy, Cysec for Cyprus, Fca for Britain, Nfa for the United States).

A scammer who hides their capital abroad makes it difficult for the police to recover it, but not impossible, given that a network of collaboration between the various supervisory activities has now developed.

Don’t be afraid to report, there’s no shame in being scammed, and the complaint is necessary to stop the scammer from continuing to do the same to others. The supervisory authority is the entity able to initiate shutting down the site to prevent the scam from continuing.

A report should be done as soon as possible, both because in the immediacy of the crime you have the opportunity to collect the greatest amount of information relative to your case, and also if you are still communicating with the scammer, the authorities are better positioned to stop them before they cut contact and finding them proves more difficult.

If you can, preferably use credit cards to make your investments, as the bank can activate a chargeback procedure, a process which allows to reverse a payment.

Don’t trust anyone who contacts you and promises they can get all your money back.

Why rely on a law firm expert in Forex?

Experience has taught us that all is not lost, that brokers are not always scammers, and that a gentle approach can bring more benefits than a threatening one.

A scammer is a victim only if he behaves like a victim, but that if he reports he is a little hero, and we have learned that many scammed together can be a crushing force to put the people who have taken advantage of them.

We have found that the complaint alone is not enough, that a practical law firm in Forex trading can succeed where the authorities stop, because they cannot devote themselves to every single person who presents a complaint.

Thanks to the interest in the individual client, the work of a Forex law firm is instead targeted and can be carried out in the best way, through its network of contacts (offices abroad, in strategic points, such as Cyprus) and knowledge, created over the years.

Because over time you learn to recognize, and to distinguish, a scammer from an honest broker.

The investigative work of a lawyer is to distinguish such differences, and to understand how to get the money back to the client.

The Boccadutri International Law Firm offers their team to assist anyone fallen victim to Forex fraud, and therefore, if you are seeking legal advice on Forex investment fraud, please contact our Forex department.

As each scam is different, no matter how similar they seem, with the help of an experienced lawyer a tailor-made solution will be made for you to address your particular situation. We do not make unnecessary promises, and therefore if the situation is such that proceeding would be counterproductive, we will advise you.

Request a consultation now!

Complete the form to request a legal consultation. Our experts will evaluate your case and suggest the best solution.

Calogero Boccadutri

Calogero Boccadutri is the Managing Partner of Boccadutri International Law Firm. He has trial experience in Forex, Personal Injury and Administrative litigation.

55 responses to “How to recover money lost in Trading”

  1. CalisileTfusi says:

    please may you help me recover my money lost from forex scam

    • Calogero Boccadutri says:

      Dear Calisile,

      Thanks for your comment. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible.

      Kind regards,

  2. Peter Bergeron says:

    I lose a lot on a very insidious scam trap from Tinder, what can you do for me?

    • Calogero Boccadutri says:

      Dear Bergeron,

      Thanks for your comment. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible.

      Kind regards,

  3. V Mohan says:

    My father lost a lot of money in forex scam…can you please help..he is devastated

  4. basotho says:

    please help me to recover my money on forex i have been scammed

  5. Shabu Kizhuvali says:

    Can you help me to recover my money lost from Forex scam

    • Calogero Boccadutri says:

      Dear Shabu Kizhuvali,

      Thanks for your comment. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible.

      Kind regards,

  6. MARILYN KUSI says:


    • Calogero Boccadutri says:

      Dear MARILYN KUSI,

      Thanks for your comment. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible.

      Kind regards,

  7. Abayomi Oke says:

    Please sir, I need your assistance to recover my money from a forex broker who have decided to cut me off without any notice. They have decided not to respond to my mail, chart and all form of communication with them.

  8. Seyad Hussain Haroos Mohamed says:

    Sri I have invested six months a ago my account group 7000 USD I cannot withdraw even 100 dollar I’m willing to pay 10% handling changes please help me thanks

    • Calogero Boccadutri says:

      Dear Seyad Hussain Haroos Mohamed,

      Thanks for your comment. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible.

      Kind regards,

  9. Marisa Felipe says:

    Hi I’ve been scamed by swiftfxcapital I lost 3500usd please help me to recover it thanks..

  10. Martin Ariesanto says:

    Dear Calogero

    I have scammed by forex broker, can you help recover my money? please contact me


  11. Dorelle says:

    Can u please help me i can’t draw my money

  12. Nick Le says:

    I deposited $25000 Bitcoins to a forex broker, and I realized I have been scammed by them.
    Can you please help! Thank you.

  13. omprakash gupta says:

    I loose 19000 dollars fraud by octa fx giving un proper excuses I need compassion kindly help me to recover the amount

  14. erkan says:

    hello, I deposited money to BKYHYO ltd, which invests on binance and metatrader 5 through my bank, but when I want to withdraw my money from this company, it started asking for fees such as tax processing fee and deposit and I cannot withdraw my money. what can i do about it, can a chargeback be made about it? please let me know what can i do

    • Calogero Boccadutri says:

      Dear Erkan,

      Thanks for your comment. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible.

      Kind regards,

      • Muhammad Younus says:

        Hello, I deposited money to BKYHYO Ltd,which invests on mt5,through my bank, but when I want to withdraw my money from this company, it started asking for fees, such as tax and and handling fee. Inspite of depositing the required amount, not only I’m unable to withdraw my funds but they also froze my account

  15. Kushal Singh says:

    Hello, I deposited $1500 money to BKYHYO ltd, which invests on binance and metatrader 5 through my bank, but when I want to withdraw my money from this company, it started asking for Tax Verification fees in 2hours and i deposited that then they rejected that & ask again to deposit the money within 4hours. Now they freeze my account & I cant able to withdraw my money. what can i do about it? can a chargeback will be made about it? please let me know what can i do.

  16. Erwin Montesa says:

    Please help me. I invested money but when I want to withdraw some portion of my money, I can not withdraw. I was ask to pay the tax first but since I am only withdrawing a portion from my fund, I reasoned to deduct the necessary tax from there. They cut me off from our conversation.

  17. Arjun says:


    I have deposited lots of my amount with Lextrade, they are asking for deposits to withdraw profits. till now my profits aslo with them excluding my deposits.

    For additional deposits they are they are creating trades in negative way that always we lose money.

    If i have received my deposits and profits with backend trades, i will give 20K$ minimum as fee to you. (After recovery only)

  18. Mutaz Ali Hassan says:

    I started trading and was tempted to increase the amount and then started sending me a margin call and that the trade was losing
    Can you help me to get my money back

  19. Moureen says:

    Hi,I lost my$100 through a platform called worldfxtrade help me bring down this platform

    • Calogero Boccadutri says:

      Dear Moureen,

      Thanks for your comment. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible.

      Kind regards,

  20. Felista says:

    Hello sir . I would like you to help me recover my money lost in Forex scammers

    • Calogero Boccadutri says:

      Dear Felista,

      Thanks for your comment. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible.

      Kind regards,

  21. Thulane says:

    FX Digital Wealth scan me and want my profite

    • Calogero Boccadutri says:

      Dear Thulane,

      Thanks for your comment. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible.

      Kind regards,

  22. Khalil safwat says:

    Can you help me to withdrawal my money from leobor forex global limited company

    • Calogero Boccadutri says:

      Dear Khalil,

      Thanks for your comment. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible.

      Kind regards,

  23. Mipak Riba says:

    Is any fee charged to get help to recover forex card scam?

  24. tlangelani confidence says:

    Hi will you help me withdraw my profit on FX goat trading I traded using their account so now when I tell them to give me my profits they always say I must pay 550 to get my money

    • Calogero Boccadutri says:

      Dear Tlangelani,

      Thanks for your comment. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible.

      Kind regards,

  25. Ros Fish says:

    Good day….please i would like to report Fraud linking to Koinscapitech
    I used about four hundred and 60 thousand Rands. the trader wants me to pay a further R1000.00 to have this money release this money stated 8.2 millon at this point…please can you assist me regarding this matter
    all of this was done by my moblie
    Ros Fish

    • Calogero Boccadutri says:

      Dear Fish,

      Thanks for your comment. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible.

      Kind regards,

  26. Niel Scholtz says:

    Good Day,

    I have invested $2500 and did online forex trading with EZ-Invest who has offices in the UK.. my account was on $4600 and when I wanted to do a with draw all the funds disappeared. When I asked about this they made me to believe that it is now with a machine or a robot that needs to trade on my account so that the credit amount can be made up.

    Funds disappeared over night and the only feedback I am getting is that it will take some time.

    I am based in South Africa and need to know if I am waiting my time with this?

    • Calogero Boccadutri says:

      Dear Scholtz,

      Thanks for your comment. Our experts will contact you as soon as possible.

      Kind regards,

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